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Tutorial Part 6/8

Hello dear player,

as promised yesterday, we will talk about the market now. By now, you should have built one, or be in the process of building one, at least if you have heeded our recommendations.

On the market screen are three areas which represent your options to buy and sell goods. Leftmost are the goods your people have manufactured and that are offered to you. Some of them are free of charge like wood, stones, luxury goods and possibly raw resources. You are entitled to them by right as the sovereign. In turn, you supply your people with food. Weapons, armor, ships and siege weapons are specially built and must be paid for. Supply and demand will make the price. If something is built in large quantities, prices will be low. If production is low, due to sparse resources for example, the price will be higher.

The customs tax in the tax screen also influences prices. Only if made the right settings there you will be able to buy cheap and sell to other Lords with a profit.

In the upper center part of the screen, you see offers from other merchants. If a merchant is given as 'Unknown', this means you don't actually know that trader and even though you may have seen his offers (your people tell you about his goods and prices), you can't buy from him. Look on the map for unknown scouts, ships or armies. Click on them and in the next quarter you will see the name of the unknown trader an you can buy goods (as long as he knows you as well, of course).

As a merchant, it is most important to you to send your scouts far and wide to get to know as many Lords as possible. Only then you will learn about price differences that will he you make a profit.

You may be asking how to get more than one scout now. That's easy. As soon as you have a town hall, you can enroll more scouts in your service and discover more land.

To do so, go to map and click on the town until the frame turns yellow, the right-click. Now you can recruit and disband scouts as well as settlers.

Back to the market. In the lower area, you can offer goods yourself. Anything you put there will be visible all known players in the next quarter.

You should know that you can become a 'local' trader on Tamar. If realm A wants to buy something from realm C, but they don't know each other, and you know both of them, you can act as a middle-man. Buy the goods from A and sell them to C with a little profit. It is perfectly acceptable to want to earn something for providing transportation.

Well, this should be the most important things about trading. Of course there are also the trade contracts, which are better suited for long term shipments to your neighbors. To do this, however, you will need a trade registry and I'm sure you will figure that out on your own. I have much faith in your capabilities!

Tomorrow, I will tell you about some of the races of Tamar. Not all of them are hostile!

Greetings from the beautiful Elerion sends

The sage
Achilles Phers

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